Certainly! Below are the top 10 Primavera interview questions along with their answers:

1. What is Primavera P6, and what is its primary use?

Primavera P6 is a project management software developed by Oracle. Its primary use is to plan, manage, and control projects of various sizes and complexities. It helps in scheduling activities, allocating resources, tracking progress, and analyzing project performance.

2. Can you explain the difference between P6 Professional and P6 EPPM (Web)?

   P6 Professional is a standalone desktop application, whereas P6 EPPM (Enterprise Project Portfolio Management) is a web-based version. P6 Professional offers more robust features for advanced project management and analysis, while P6 EPPM provides easier collaboration and access from different devices through a web browser.

3. How do you define a project in Primavera P6?

     In Primavera P6, a project is defined as a container for organizing and managing activities, resources, and costs related to a specific endeavor. To create a project, you need to define its name, start date, end date, and other relevant details.

4. How can you assign resources to activities in Primavera P6?

    To assign resources to activities in Primavera P6, follow these steps:

   – Define the resources and their availability.

   – Go to the “Resource Assignments” tab of an activity.

   – Select the appropriate resource from the list and specify the quantity or units required for the activity.

5. What are WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) and OBS (Organizational Breakdown Structure) in Primavera P6?

   WBS is a hierarchical decomposition of the project scope into smaller, manageable work packages. It represents the project’s deliverables, sub-deliverables, and related tasks. OBS is a hierarchical representation of the project’s organization, typically based on functional departments or teams. It helps in assigning resources to activities based on their organizational roles.

6. How do you create a baseline in Primavera P6, and why is it important?

   To create a baseline in Primavera P6, go to the “Maintain Baselines” window and save the current project schedule as a baseline. Baselines serve as a snapshot of the original project plan and are essential for performance measurement, comparing actual progress with the planned schedule, and identifying deviations.

7. How does Primavera P6 handle critical path analysis?

   Primavera P6 identifies the critical path by analyzing the network of activities and their dependencies. The critical path represents the longest sequence of activities that determines the project’s overall duration. Any delay on the critical path will directly impact the project’s completion date.

8. Explain how Primavera P6 manages resource leveling.

Resource leveling in Primavera P6 helps balance resource workloads across the project’s duration. It ensures that resource assignments are within their capacity limits and minimizes over-allocations. The software can automatically adjust activity start dates to resolve resource conflicts.

9. What is the purpose of the “Earned Value Analysis” feature in Primavera P6?

   The “Earned Value Analysis” feature in Primavera P6 compares the planned progress and costs with the actual progress and costs at a specific point in time. It helps evaluate project performance, forecast potential issues, and estimate the project’s final outcome.

10. How can you customize reports and layouts in Primavera P6?

   Primavera P6 offers several ways to customize reports and layouts. You can use the “Report Wizard” to create custom reports with specific data and formatting options. Additionally, you can modify existing layouts or create new ones using the “Layouts” feature to tailor the project information display according to your requirements.

Remember to review and practice these answers before your interview. Good luck!

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